How Vision Works
The eyes are two globular organs inside the head that help us see.
But why can we see with these organs ? How do we have the powers of vision and how can we see colors ?
Well, with this image here you can see what our eyes are made of. Our eyes are made up of 13 different parts in all, the Iris, Cornea, Lens, Pupil, Posterior Chamber, Ciliary Body and Muscle, Conjunctiva, Retina, Macula, Retina blood vessels, Vitreous body, and the Optical nerve.
This video explains how vision is a complicated process of converting light signals into images in the brain. As Light passes through the lens, where it is focused, to the retina where photoreceptors called rods and cones convert the information to electrical impulses that are interpreted by the brain.
Humans are lucky to have the ability to not think about, for the most part, that our brain works so hard but with so ease and that every little aspect you can see outside the body, Ears and eyes, do so much at once to fulfill their job on the body.